Portfolio: HMTA Invests In Finnegan The Dragon HMTA has co-invested with Portland Seed Fund in Finnegan The Dragon, a revolutionary early-learning company. HMTA is pleased to …Continue Reading about Portfolio: HMTA Invests In Finnegan The Dragon
HMTA Honored As A 2023 Community Catalyst by OEN Horan MediaTech Advisors is honored to be among the first individuals and organizations honored by the Oregon Entrepreneurs …Continue Reading about HMTA Honored As A 2023 Community Catalyst by OEN
Portfolio: HMTA invests in Chela Media Group with Portland Seed Fund HMTA is proud to announce that our most recent investment is in The Chela Media Group and its founder Brandon Loran Maxwell. Chela …Continue Reading about Portfolio: HMTA invests in Chela Media Group with Portland Seed Fund
HMTA Commits to Three Year InventOR Sponsorship InventOR encourages college students to invent products and found businesses Horan Mediatech Advisors (HMTA) is pleased to …Continue Reading about HMTA Commits to Three Year InventOR Sponsorship