Time Capsule: Our Predictions For Internet Dominance from 2011 Lately, there has been a lot of conversation about whether Google, Amazon, Facebook and others have too much power and know too …Continue Reading about Time Capsule: Our Predictions For Internet Dominance from 2011
The Hardest Question for Retailers: “Why Not Amazon?” A while ago (while we could still meet in person), I had the pleasure of being part of a panel at an A.T. Kearney event on the …Continue Reading about The Hardest Question for Retailers: “Why Not Amazon?”
Days of Reckoning for The Media Economy I am pleased and honored to have been included in this article about the struggles of venture-backed media startups to grow and …Continue Reading about Days of Reckoning for The Media Economy
The Power of Events for Profitable Publishing Digital media has become all about the head and not enough about the heart. Magazines, newspapers and television have always been …Continue Reading about The Power of Events for Profitable Publishing